Thursday, September 18, 2014

Debt and getting a mortgage?

I was left in an awful amount of debt by my ex husband. Unfortunately i was unable to pay these debts which were then given over to debt companies. I have for a few years now been paying what i can to each company and i am in a better financial state now after working hard to pick myself up. Problem is i really want to get a mortgage and have upped my payments to them, i am currently waiting on pin for my credit report. How can i prove that i am trustworthy without paying all off in one lump sum

I have never defaulted on any of these repayments but my concern is that it will not look good that they were passed onto debt companies in the first place, I know i should not have let it get to that stage but i stupidly panicked and buried my head in the sand hoping it would go away and was also struggling to come to terms with relationship breakdown and learning how to be a lone parent. I was scared, stressed and at a loss. Some people may think stupid.

Read more: Debt and getting a mortgage?