Friday, September 11, 2015

Advice regarding mortgage and what type of mortgage this is?

Situation - live with parents (in their 60's) - they got interest only mortgage over 30 years ago - they have 1 year left to pay £90,000 whihc is not going to happen

So would a lender provide me (27 y/o) with mortage amount of £80,000 (parents to pay rest) so we can pay off whats owed

I would own the house

When they die, we would see house - there other son would get £100,000 i would get the rest (House curretnly valued at £195,000)

I know this is a big commitment and no smart comments required about livng at home lol there are reasons

What else do i consider and what type of mortage is this?
Added (1). *sell the house

Read more: Advice regarding mortgage and what type of mortgage this is?