Friday, March 11, 2016

Why do I have a low credit score?

I registered on ClearScore (Experian) today and got low 300s out of 700, which is below the national average.

I have a professional job, and only 2 credit cards. One of them has only £500 limit and I only use it to pay my £10 phone bill. The other one is Amex with no limit, and I clear it every month.

I have never been behind on any bill payments. I have always cleared both my credit cards every month and never paid interest or charges.

I have never been bankrupt or have had any charges against me.

The previous owners of my old house had bad credit scores, but I moved in there 4 years ago and have since moved out. I have managed to get my Amex since moving out, so it seems like the effect of those previous owners have faded…

So why do I still have such a low score?!

The only other thing I can think of is I applied for a mortgage recently, but decided not to proceed with the purchase. Could that be what made my score so low?

Read more: Why do I have a low credit score?