Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Where should I move and what should I do? SOS (New York, California, Finance Degree)?

Please Help: In serious need of some advice.

I am graduating from Arizona State University this May. My current lease ends in July and I am highly considering moving somewhere. I have a long-term boyfriend in AZ that still has a year and a half of college (I graduated early and he will need an extra semester for his minor). My family is also in AZ. However, I would love to do something adventurous as I am young with no obligations (mortgage, kids, etc.). I have always loved the city. My dad works for a large corporation centered in Pennsylvania and could assist me in getting a job there. I don't have much interest in PA though, there are some opportunities for the corporation he works for in California too.

Another issue: I am not a huge fan of finance. Not quite sure why I majored in it (it was the major I ended up with after 6 previous majors). I am not sure what kind of career I should attempt to pursue with this degree.

I liked the California idea because it is a lot closer to AZ and cheaper than NYC. But does NYC have more opportunities? Is it more exciting? Where could I make more money? Are there any good neighborhoods?

Read more: Where should I move and what should I do? SOS (New York, California, Finance Degree)?