Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Young couple stuggling to get a property Stay in london or move to kent?

Both me and my partner are 25, i know we are young to be thinking about this but we have been together for 9 years and have a 4 year old.

I work full time and have an income of about £20,000 a year
Where as she works in an agency and gets whatever shifts are available and we have (NO SAVINGS) We both work in the london bridge area and really want to go on mortgage out of london, maybe around greenhithe or sevenoaks areas.
Neither of us drive but we are starting this soon. The thing we are concerned about is if it is worth moving out of london, because obviously yes the houses are cheap but then there is the extra cost of the car and also childcare!

My other idea was to get a mortgage in london and suffer the expensive housing, by the time we retire we would have paid this off and then sell the house for a better one out of london.
But when i look at this option it doesn't ever seem like we would be able to afford it.
Saving up for a deposit will probably take us about 10+ years and thats to long for us tp be honest.

Does anybody have the same problem or similar situation or have you and you found a way?
Please let me know.


Read more: Young couple stuggling to get a property Stay in london or move to kent?