Monday, July 17, 2017

Do i have to pay back soon to be ex mum in law her deposit?

i left my abusive husband 16 months ago and moved in with my frail father 250 miles away who ahs since died and left me his house

me and husband joint owned a house together thats just sold for 20k under the asking price, his mum gave him the 15,200 deposit, she couldnt get it written into the mortgage as his outgoings to high, so had to write down gift deposit on the mortgage she asked hi to pay her back 50 pounds a month, he never did as couldnt afford it, if i never left him she would never get her money back
now i've left and house sold he says she s demanding when i get the cheque i give her half the deposit back £7,600 out of the £12,647 i will get. I'm on benefits and job hunting, she got us to sign a iou on a piece of paper now nothing was drawn up legally where do i stand? Him and his mum are nasty people who ruined my life
i need that money if she tries to sue, where do i stand please?
he s violent angry thug who won't agree to a divorce and keeps pestering me, i need a restraining order and i don't want him to try to claim the house dad left me he has serious mental health issues
serious answers only please

Read more: Do i have to pay back soon to be ex mum in law her deposit?