Friday, June 15, 2018

Am I just being an ungrateful biarch or do I have good reason to be angry?

Hubby and I designed a house which is 240 sq meters. Four beds 2 bathrooms and all the rest of it. It cost $12000 for the plans to be drawn up and we were ready to build. At the stage before the build, before we had broken any ground I had a change of heart about the big house big mortgage and asked my hubby if we could please amend the plans to make our house smaller and cheaper. He said no. I begged him to change the house to a smaller more economic one but he said we've already spent to much on the plans so he will not change anything. Now we're building a great big house with a $300000 dollar mortgage. We will be in debt for 20 more years. Were both over 40 and I'm miserable and unable to be really happy about it because I wish we had off just built a smaller less expensive house. When I remind him that I didn't want this big house he blames me for wanting the house big in the first place. Am I being negative and ungrateful?

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