Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Do we qualify well for FHA? And can you use a grant with FHA?

Hi there. Any of you mortgage experts out there; we are meeting with a lender soon but I thought I'd ask here because why not. We have credit scores in 700s, we have three cc accounts and a car loan, all utilized well, low balances, and not a single late payment. We also make about 5900 a month gross. Are these factors generally most important for a mortgage? Does it look good?

Also, can you typically use a grant to pay your down payment? Arizona has a program for buyers where it will put 5% down that you don't have to pay back. We also plan on adding a few thousand of our own to that.

I hope this made sense, again, we will be meeting with someone, but I'm anxious nervous excited and full of questions!:) thanks for any answers in advance.

Read more: Do we qualify well for FHA? And can you use a grant with FHA?