Monday, May 16, 2016

Do Most Women Expect For Men To Take Care of Them and Provide for them?

The economy is rough right now and most women are still choosing majors that don't pay that well compared to majors that men tend to choose. Do women just not thoroughly look at their job prospects while in college or do they just expect that everything will work out because worse case, they can just find a guy with a good job who will take care of them, or their parents will continue taking care of them. I feel like women have a lot more of a "cushion" to fall back on if they aren't very successful, whereas men are just kind of cut loose and expected to make something of themselves or else they are a loser.
Added (1). Perfect example, my step-sister is 25, never held a fulltime job, works as a server at a restaurant since she graduated college and still lives with her parents. Doesn't even know what a mortgage means, never had to pay for anything or qualify for a lease for an apartment. Meanwhile, my brother is 22 just out of college and already leases his own apartment, owns his own car, etc because my parents just cut him off because he had a job offer his junior year of college as a software engineer.
Added (2). I just feel like women are too relaxed about financial matters in their life and are like "oh I don't need to worry about that, I don't understand it/it's too complex for me, so I will just let the man in my life take care of that for me"

Read more: Do Most Women Expect For Men To Take Care of Them and Provide for them?