Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Is this budget too tight?

Trying to plan future and this is completely theoretical. Just assume all of the expenses are accurate, would I be setting myself up for bankruptcy?
Monthly Pay: $2900

Groceries: $250
Gas: $100
Insurance (Health and Auto): $270
Phone: $100
Stud. Loans: $200
Electricity: $130
Water: $30
Internet: $60
Unexpected: $300
Mortgage: $1150
(Includes P&I, Prop. Tax, and Mort. And Home Ins.)
Entertainment: $150
$160/month left over
Added (1). IS THIS BUDGET TOO TIGHT, not are these expenses realistic.
Added (2). IS THIS BUDGET TOO TIGHT, not are these expenses realistic.

Read more: Is this budget too tight?